

What are turbo jets used for?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What are turbo jets used for?
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What engine is used for jets?

Jet Engine is used in jets.

What are jets used for?

jets are used for wars, shows and displays.

What is the difference between pulse and constant pressure turbocharging?

The turbos used on cars are constant pressure. I have not seen a pulse turbo on anything but rockets and jets. The design and setup for both are completely different.

What type of planes use turboprop and turbo fans?

Propeller airliners use Turboprops. Jets use turbofans and turbojets.

Is a turbo the same as a turbo charger?

In the case of engines, turbo is used as a contracted name for the turbo charger.

What do jets do?

Jets are used in War purposes. The Stealth ones are used to spy other countries.

Discuss why the damper winding are not used in turbo generator?

It is definitely used in a turbo-generator

Did the ta 152 fighter plane have 2 small turbo jets?

No, it's only engine was the Junkers Jumo 213 v12 engine.

What year did the first turbo jet take place?

Sir Frank Whittle and at least two German engineers were all experimenting with turbo jets in 1936. Because of all the secrecy it is hard to pin exact dates down.

What is meant by turbo used in automobiles?

turbo is an machine which is used to improve the pressure of the air which is going to engine advantages of turbo is it can improve the speed of the vehicle

Were super jets used in World War 2?

No, there were a few jets near the end, but none could be called 'super jets'.

What is a turbo resonator on a Dodge Sprinter?

The resonator is a "muffler" used in the turbocharger plumbing to quiet the turbo noise.The resonator is a "muffler" used in the turbocharger plumbing to quiet the turbo noise.