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1. Obviously talent. He is arguably one of the best players to ever play the game.

2. His ability to ignore the outside world and media and still perform at an amazingly high level. After the whole The Decision thing he took much criticism/hate from fans. Notice how you didn't hear a word from him about it. He simply is good at ignoring criticism.

3. His unselfishness. If you look at his stats, he almost always has over 6-7 assists, along with 25-40 points and several rebounds. Even when he was on the cavs, he finished many games with assists in the double digits. It seems he almost never has a bad game and is always prouducing high numbers.

..3.5. His ability to clearly communicate his responses in interviews after games. One can always understand him clearly unlike many athletes who just mumble in a very low tone or talk very fast and don't say anything of importance, just something like "We need to work harder and play faster".

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Q: What are three reson lebron James deserves respect?
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