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Q: What are three factors that may contribute to the tendency to conform to social norm?
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What two factors contrtbute to your individuality?

Social factors contribute to diversity because people have different backgrounds.Individual factors contribute to diversity because people have different personalities.

What may contribute to substance abuse?

genetic factors, psychopathology, and social learning.

What is confirmity in social psychology?

Conformity in social psychology refers to the tendency of people to adjust their behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs to align with those of a larger group or societal norm. This can be driven by various factors, such as a desire for social approval, fear of rejection, or simply the belief that the group is correct. Conformity often plays a significant role in shaping social interactions and influencing individual behavior within a group setting.

How do social factors contribute to diversity?

Because of the individuality that you bring into the diverse from you social factors such as who you are, your style and cloths, background/food and ethnicity group.

What are the factors that contribute to news making?

Current social issues occurring, time, season etc.

What are the factors affecting social mobility?

The factors that contribute to the completion of social mobilization are i) Government ii) Bureaucracy iii) Non-governmental organizations (NGO's) iv) Media v) Public

What are the social factors that contribute to prejudice?

Social factors that contribute to prejudice include socialization within specific groups, stereotypes perpetuated by media and society, lack of exposure and interaction with diverse groups, and fear of the unknown or unfamiliar. These factors can lead to bias, discrimination, and negative attitudes towards certain groups of people.

What do social psychologists call the tendency to rely on trait explanations of the behavior of others and to ignore the influence of situations?

Social psychologists refer to this tendency as the fundamental attribution error, which involves attributing others' behavior to internal traits while discounting situational factors. It can lead to misunderstandings and misjudgments in social interactions.

Different social factors that influence the behavior of individuals?

Social factors such as family, peers, culture, socioeconomic status, and media can influence the behavior of individuals by shaping their beliefs, values, attitudes, and norms. These factors can impact choices and decisions made by individuals and contribute to their social interactions and relationships.

What are biological and social factors that underly hunger?

Biological factors that underlie hunger include the body's need for nutrients and energy, regulated by hormones like ghrelin. Social factors that contribute to hunger include food availability, cultural norms, and economic circumstances. Both biological and social factors interact to influence an individual's experience of hunger.

What factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in businesses?

A number of technological factors contribute to the rapid pace of change in businesses. Most notable are social media, fax, and internet services.

Why a person might fail to conform to social norms?

A person may fail to conform to social norms due to factors such as different values or beliefs, a desire for independence or uniqueness, lack of awareness or understanding of the norms, or intentional rejection of societal expectations. Additionally, mental health issues, personality traits, or past experiences may contribute to non-conformity.