get 25 points in one game (highschool) or 30 points in one game (college and above) if the score is above 25 (or 30) than the first team that scores two points in a row wins, last if a forfeit.
It starts when the ref blows the whistle and someone serves the ball.
3 ways of losing a rally:
Hits the ball out or in the net or doesnt hit the ball...
It all depends on the way you use it. There are multiple ways to burn hundreds of calories. Check em' out on google.
master ball ultra ball quick ball or a premier ball
two ways to use it is to use it as a soccer ball and use it as a golf ball
when the other team misses the serve, when the other team hits the ball more then 3 times, when the other team hits it out of bounce, when you serve the ball and its in and the other team doesnt touch it, there a lot of ways to get the point in volleyball
Points are scored by getting the ball to hit the floor on the other team's side of the court. Other ways to score include the other team touching the net, your opponent hitting the ball out of bounds or committing a double
The most effective way to score is to make it impossible for the imposing side to hit the ball. This can be done in a variety of ways, and through different types of hits. Spiking the ball straight to the ground or finding an open space on the opposing side are easy ways to score. You can also get the ball close to out of bounds in order to help your team score. Every time that the ball hits the ground on the other side of the net, you will gain one point.
Animals lose water when they urinate, perspire, and exhale.
There are many ways to get a ball. You can go to a store and purchase any kind of ball you want. You can also borrow a ball if a friend has an extra one.
By having too muchsex
of what ball are you taking about? Because deceleration can act in different ways!
Kick the ball into the net or hit the ball with your head into the net.