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Q: What are the various decisions and their applications made by operations manager in a POM system?
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Operations management has assumed great significance in modern industries explain. What are the various function of operations manager?

Explain the significations of Operations management?

How does the function of an operations manager differ from the function of a marketing manager or a finance manager?

Operations deal with the actual product or service that is made or provided by a given company. For example, let us say that a company manufactures knives. The operations manager deals with the various management issues relating to the manufacture of knives; he or she keeps the knife factory running. The marketing manager does not make knives, he or she just sells them. And the finance manager handles the money that is obtained by selling knives, and pays the bills.

What is business consulting, and how does it help companies improve their operations?

Business consulting refers to the practice of providing expert advice and guidance to companies in various aspects of their operations to help them address challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve their goals.

What are the responsibilities of production operations manager?

One major problem facing operation and production managers is managing their employees. Employees showing up late, or not at all affects the production schedule.

What does a network manager do?

If your are referring to the managerial role of a person in network management, a manager is a person that is part of a network management organization. This person is responsible for monitoring, configuring, and adjusting the various aspects of network equipment (elements) and the services and applications supported by a network .

What can represent centrioles say on a farm?

Centrioles could be represented as the farm manager, organizing and directing the various processes and activities on the farm. Just as centrioles help in organizing cell division, the farm manager oversees the operations to ensure smooth functioning.

List various front office positions for National Football League Franchise's?

NFL Franchise front office staff: Owner/Minority Owners President/Chairman/CEO Vice President/COO Executive Assistants General Manager President/Director of Football Operations VP of Football Operations Director of Player Personel Director of Player Development Director of Scouting Area Scouts VP of Operations Head Groundskeeper Facilities Manager Travel Manager Business Manager Team Spokesman/PR It should be noted that some of the titles may overlap or be called by a different name by different franchises.

Why matlab is so called matlab?

MatLab means MATrix LABoratory. It converts the signals into matrices and performs various operations on them. Hence, it is used mainly in applications where there is a need to convert data from one form to the other.

Useful minerals can be mined from?

Useful minerals can be mined from various sources such as mines, quarries, and seabeds. These minerals are essential for various industries like construction, technology, and manufacturing. Mining operations extract these minerals for use in everyday products and applications.

What are some organizational management jobs?

Some examples of organizational management jobs include project manager, operations manager, human resources manager, and executive director. These roles involve overseeing and coordinating various aspects of an organization to ensure efficient operations and achievement of goals.

What are the uses and application of matlab in engineering?

Matlab is matrix laboratory. It concerts every input data into a matrix and performs various operations on it.Matlab is specifically used in signal processing in engineering.Various signal processing operations like convolution, correlation, filtering and transforms involve mathematical operations. These can be easily performed in Matlab.The major applications involvesignal processingimage processingspeech processingaudio processingvideo processing

What is meant by business operations?

Business operations are how a business works. A business usually has various operations that you can do in order to find how they are making money and profits.