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the type that hurts and the type that doesnt hurt

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Q: What are the types of muscle contraction?
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Uncontrolled muscle contractions the same as skeletal muscle contractions?

Uhh, no uncontrolled muscle contraction occurs in smooth and cardiac muscles... there are many differences between these two types of muscles; controlled and uncontrolled muscle contraction.....

What are the types of contractions doing a situp?

A sit up is an eccentric muscle contraction.

What type of muscular contraction is leg extension?

There are 3 types of muscle contraction in the leg extention and they are Concentric, Isometric, and Eccentric contractions.

Muscle tissue consists of cells that are highly specialized for the function of?

Muscle tissue consists of cells that are highly specialized for the function of contraction. These cells contain proteins that allow them to generate force and movement. Muscle tissue can be classified into three types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle, each with unique properties related to their specific functions.

Constant contraction of a muscle is?

constant contraction of a muscle is called the muscle tone

What muscle actions would be classified as isotonic contractions?

Isotonic contractions involve muscle actions where the muscle length changes as it contracts against a constant load. There are two types: concentric contractions (shortening of the muscle during contraction) and eccentric contractions (lengthening of the muscle during contraction).

What is muscle contraction without muscle shortening is what kind of contraction?

Isometric contraction. This type of contraction occurs when the muscle generates tension without changing its length, such as when holding a weight in a fixed position.

What is the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions?

An Isotonic muscle contraction is a muscle contraction that makes your limbs move whereas an Isometric contraction is a muscle contraction where the limbs stay static

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type of contraction of gastrocnemius muscle?

Describe the events of muscle cell contraction?

6 steps in a muscle contraction

What happens when a muscle contracts?

when the muscle shortens (contracts), the two bones come closer together, isometric contraction excepted.

The contraction of a muscle exerts a pull on a bone because?

the muscle is attached to the bone via tendons, which transmit the force generated by the muscle contraction to the bone. This pull causes the bone to move, allowing for various types of body movements like walking or lifting objects.