Server-player in back right corner who serves the ball
Serve-when the team hits the ball over to start a play
Serve Recieve-positioning when the other team is serving
Overhand Serve-when you hold your hand above your head to serve
Underhand Serve-when you hold your hand below your waist to serve
Jump Serve-when you jump high into the air to serve the ball
Serve Recieve-when your team is receiving the serve
Side Out-when the other team has the serve and you win the point that they served
Libero-a player who wears a different jersey, cannot serve, and plays back row
Free ball-a ball bumped over the net by the opposing team that usually goes deep
Setter-specific person or people who sets the ball to a hitter
Hitter-usually a front row player how uses overhand to spike the ball
Passer-usually back row player who bumps the ball or back row attacks
Block-when front row players use both hands to stop a spike at the net
Tip-pointing of the fingers to "tap" the ball over
Roll-a smaking of the ball with the palm that gives the ball a spin
Punch/fist ball-usage of a fist or fists to puch the ball over or save the ball
Dive-sliding on the floor with a flat and out to save the ball from the ground
Back Row Attack-when back row players hit the ball without stepping over 10ft. line
Middle Back-middle backrow player
Wings-outside hitters or backrow players (such as wings in soccer)
Middle-middle front row player
Out-the ball is outside court
In-the ball is in the court
Sport Court-the playable area (extends even to outside the court lines)
Save-when a player goes out of their way to get the ball to the setter
Bump/Pass-when a bumber uses to arms metting in a "fist" to ease the ball up
Spike/Hit-smakcking the ball down on the other side or deep to the corners
Short-a ball barely making it over your side or between the net and 10ft. line
10ft line-extending 10ft. from the net on both sides (backrow attacks cant step over)
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Total Poser: When one player on the opposite team brags continuously, however is not as good as they say
Whiskey: Three of more spikes in a row from either team
Sweet Shabes: A teammate who's job is specifically to assist in getting points not actually score
Skeleton: Perfect game, no points for the opposing team
Pig: Complementing an opposing player for a good play
--I hope these help you, i know i use them all the time