The salary of NBA office staff varies between the position & experience. The salary range starts at about $55,000 & goes up to around $220,000.
once a month
I heard around 100-150k for college coaches and 575k for NBA coaches.
Kobe Bryant have AA highest salary..24,034.750...
When players and team staff fail to come to an agreement with the NBA bosses which leeds to a lockout
Some of the highest salaries are given to the players who have made a name for themselves. Examples are LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, as well as Kobe Bryant.
A lot of people go to see the NBA. All the tickets are very pricy, especially the front roll ones. If you want to buy front roll NBA tickets, be prepared to pay a lot.
LaBron James
They are all 10 million
2008-2009 salaries: Kevin Garnett (Boston Celtics) has the largest salary in the NBA for 2008-2009 at $24,750,000. ****************************************** labron James (Actually, leBron James has the 27th largest salary in the NBA for 2008-2009, at $14,410,581)