Here are the main rules and regulations for The game of Volley ball:
Number one: Once the ball is served, [ If it goes over the net, and doesn't go out of bounds,the returning team gets three hits, either bump, set or spike.No one player can hit the ball twice IN A ROW. However, it can be hit by one player, hit by another player, than the first player again.
Number two: About serving
If the serve does not go over, it is out.
Even if it does go over, if it goes out of bounds it is still out.
If you do not serve a proper serve it is out.
Number three: About hitting.
If you do not bump, set or spike it is an improper hit and is out.
If someone on your team hits it into the net, if it is not a serve, you can help it over the net.
If someone hits the ball out of bounds on a hit, not a serve, it is still playable, so do go get it.
I really hope this helps.
I really love volleyball, and i have been playing it since, like forever.
it is a really fun sport.
In every official volleyball game you must rotate including school games
6 players
Please visit the link in the "Related Links" section It has the official hand signals and rules from the FIVB Volleyball governing body
In 1896, the first official game of Volleyball was played at Springfield College. Read more about it at this link:
Volleyball is a fun game to play after learning some of the rules and lingo such as RS. This stands for right side hitter.
It is an official game also known as "VOLLEYBALL." By the way it spell like that "Newcomball"
Bunco, also known as Bunko or Bonko, is a dice game that is played in teams. The official rules are available on the official Bunco website or when purchasing the game. Rules for the game can also be found on Wikipedia.
Well, the first to get to 25 wins, but the team has to win by 2 points.
The USA Volleyball rulebook states that the official measurements are 3/8" in diameter and 5'11" tall. The USA Volleyball rulebook specifies that the antennae should measure 5 feet and 11 inches tall and 3/8 of an inch in diameter. Read more: The USA Volleyball rulebook specifies that the antennae should measure 5 feet and 11 inches tall and 3/8 of an inch in diameter. Read more:
no one there is no time in volleyball
NCAA rules for redshirting in softball are basically the same as other sports. An academic sophomore can be considered an athletic freshman.