Here's a website I was just looking at. Has all the rules for utrip but i was specifically looking at slow-pitch softball:
Hope that helps!
George Hancock developed and published the standard rules for softball in 1889. He invented the game in 1887, and the first softball game was indoors.
because of the kinetic energy ( the energy of motion) in hitting, pitching, running, and fielding.!! SOFTBALL RULES!!!
George Hancock developed and published the standard rules for softball in 1889. He invented the game in 1887, and the first softball game was indoors.
Babe Ruth
I think the Amateur Softball Association but don't quote me on that
There is softball for dummies. Just go to WALLMART or Office max and you'll find it!!
When your a catcher it isn't hard if you have a good glove. I know this cuz i play softball. If you have catching skills it isn't hard. But u need to no the rules.
hi how do u become a softball coach for osu
the game of baseball
George Hancock
it means you have to want the ball and that u need to be pumped up durning your game. my dad says that to me all the time sometimes it get annoying but hey at least he cares right lol well hope this helps:) SoFtBaLl******************RuLeS
alot of the rules have been changed and some rules have been added. the equipment has also improved (ex. there are alloy and aluminum bats). the popularity of softball in the US. has increased greatly, also.