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Rules and Regulations of Volleyball =)

1. Don't touch the net

2. Don't catch the ball

3. Don't go under the net

4. Follow the boundries (in and out)

5. Don't lose!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Here are the main rules and regulations for The game of Volley ball:

Number one: Once the ball is served, [ If it goes over the net, and doesn't go out of bounds,the returning team gets three hits, either bump, set or spike.No one player can hit the ball twice IN A ROW. However, it can be hit by one player, hit by another player, than the first player again.

Number two: About serving

If the serve does not go over, it is out.

Even if it does go over, if it goes out of bounds it is still out.

If you do not serve a proper serve it is out.

Number three: About hitting.

If you do not bump, set or spike it is an improper hit and is out.

If someone on your team hits it into the net, if it is not a serve, you can help it over the net.

If someone hits the ball out of bounds on a hit, not a serve, it is still playable, so do go get it.

I really hope this helps.

I really love volleyball, and i have been playing it since, like forever.

it is a really fun sport.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

SIMPLE RULES.!!!! -no drinking or drugs during season -you can only hit the ball ONE TIME -stepping over service line is an automatic point for other team -stepping on other persons side another automatic point

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βˆ™ 14y ago
BASIC VIOLATIONS( A ) Stepping on or over the line on a serve.

( B ) Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.

( C ) Hitting the ball illegally ( Carrying, Palming, Throwing, etc. ).

( D ) Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If the ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to contact an opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue to be in play.

( E ) Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:

1 - When executing a follow-through.

2 - When blocking a ball which is in the opponents court but is being returned ( the blocker must not contact the ball until after the opponent who is attempting to return the ball makes contact). Except to block the third play.

( F ) Reaches under the net ( if it interferes with the ball or opposing player ).

( G ) Failure to serve in the correct order.

( H ) Blocks or spikes from a position which is clearly not behind the 10-foot line while in a back row position

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are several Rules and Regulations. First, you must have a minimum of a 6 man/girl team. Second, you must hit the volleyball correctly. Such as, when you bump the ball your two hands must be together and hit the ball with your forearm which in turn, if you do it right you will have a flat surface. For setting you much have the ball hit your first 3 fingers, your thumb, pointer, and middle fingers. You set the ball when its coming at you above your head. You act like your going to catch it, but the ball cannot stop movement. When you serve, you cannot step over the inside line. So you serve from out of bounds and can't step inbounds until you have hit the ball. There are 3 front row positions and 3 back row. The front row when facing the court you have on your left, Strong side, which is the strongest side for spiking. Then you have the middle which is the setting position. You set the ball to either side and those to people spike the ball over. And on your right you have weak-side, which is the weak side for hitting. Mostly on weak-side you tip or bump the ball over. For more help and detail go to http:/ and that should help you!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Um... I can give you the rules if you want them? Hope this helps!

THE SERVE( A ) Server must serve from behind the restraining line ( end line ) until after contact.

( B ) Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

( C ) Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.

( D ) Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for point.

( E ) First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be served by the previous game loser.

( F ) Serve must be returned by a bump only. no setting or attacking a serve.

  1. Rally scoring will be used.
  2. There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.
  3. Offense will score on a defense miss or out of bounds hit.
  4. Defense will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the net.
  5. Game will be played to 25 pts.
  6. Must win by 2 points.
ROTATION( A ) Team will rotate each time they win the serve.

( B ) Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner.

( C ) There shall be 4-6 players on each side.

PLAYING THE GAME ( VOLLEY )( A ) Maximum of three hits per side.

( B ) Player may not hit the ball twice in succession ( A block is not considered a hit ).

( C ) Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.

( D ) A ball touching a boundary line is good.

( E ) A legal hit is contact with the ball by a player body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest.

( F ) If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved may not participate in the next play.

( G ) A player must not block or attack a serve.

( H ) Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players. ( After the serve only ).

BASIC VIOLATIONS( A ) Stepping on or over the line on a serve.

( B ) Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.

( C ) Hitting the ball illegally ( Carrying, Palming, Throwing, etc. ).

( D ) Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If the ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to contact an opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue to be in play.

( E ) Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:

1 - When executing a follow-through.

2 - When blocking a ball which is in the opponents court but is being returned ( the blocker must not contact the ball until after the opponent who is attempting to return the ball makes contact). Except to block the third play.

( F ) Reaches under the net ( if it interferes with the ball or opposing player ).

( G ) Failure to serve in the correct order.

( H ) Blocks or spikes from a position which is clearly not behind the 10-foot line while in a back row position.


Both indoor and outdoor courts are 18 m x 9mi (29'6" x 59').

Indoor courts also include an attack area designated by

a line 3 m (9'10") back from the center line.

Lines on the court are 5cm (2" wide).


Net height for men, co-ed mixed 6, & outdoor is 2.43 meters or 7'11-5/8".

Net height for women, 7'4-1/8".

The height of the net shall be 8'.


The ball weighs between 9 and 10 ounces. Ball pressure is between 4.5 and 6.0 pounds

Volleyball LingoTranslation"Ace"When the ball is served to the other team, and no one touches it."Sideout"When the team that served the ball makes a mistake, causing the ball to go to the other team."Roof"When a player jumps above the height of the net, and blocks the ball."Stuff"When a player jumps about the height of the net, blocks the ball, and the ball goes back at the person who attacked(spiked) the ball."Dig"When a player makes a save from a very difficult spike."Kill"When a team spikes the ball and it either ends in a point or a sideout.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you cant kick the ball you have to do it witha clean serve andd more lol

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the rules for volleyball is that you cant step on the red line.You can hit the top of the net. You cant catch it and then hit it.

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