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The line judge is there for exactly the same reason as they are in tennis. They're there simply to check to see if the shuttle has landed in or out. The service line judge, however, would be there to see if a foot has crossed the line whilst serving.

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10y ago
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15y ago

The role of a lines judge in Badminton is to help players call ins or outs and sometimes keep scores for them as well. They also call illegal serves and double hits

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12y ago

he is the one who keeps the score ha ha ha ha foold u i dont really know

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9y ago

Line judges have the task of deciding whether a ball has landed in the court or outside. Their decision can be overruled by the umpire only

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12y ago

line judge determines if the bird is in or out after it hits the floor.

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9y ago

The responsibilities of line judges depend on the sport in question.

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10y ago

Line judges are there to call if

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Q: What are the responsibilities of the line judge in basketball?
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