Phiten necklaces are made of titanium because this is a metal that conducts electricity. The idea is that stiff muscles and fatigue may be caused by disruptions in the flow of your body's bioelectric current. Bioelectric current just refers to the small amount of electricity running through your body (for example, nerves transmitting sensations or neurons firing synapses to process thoughts). As the claim goes, placing these pieces of titanium on the body will stabilize your current, thus helping your body run better.
A scarf!!
What kind of a question is that? Anyway, most tourists would be wearing cameras, possibly handbags, with some of them wearing necklaces, and some other stuff around their necks.
They were almost naked, in their underclothes, and wearing nooses around their necks and holding the keys to the city and castle.
Dont no
tourists might wear cameras, glasses, sunglasses, necklaces, passes to parks, and identification around their necks.
Tourists often have a camera around their necks.
Phiten necklaces. They contain titanium and help to relax muscles for better performance.
I have seen many players wear cord- like necklaces that are supposed to rid the body of nerves.