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1. Composite sticks tend to flex more, creating a whip effect and causing the puck to travel at higher velocities

2.Composite sticks are made of a combination of materials, frequently a fiberglass or carbon fiber shaft with a wood blade.

3. Composite sticks are weaker and break more frequently during play than wood sticks do.

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15y ago

Let's cut to the chase and make some bullet statements starting with the dynamics of the puck and the stick. A puck/ball has mass. So does the stick. Either may be moving with a some velocity at impact, and either may or may not be accelerating. The stick may impart force to the puck, and the puck/ball to the stick. But there are complexities because of the "angle" of the contact. And the puck/ball may be spinning (rotating on its vertical axis), wobbling, or have some other complex motion. The stick flexes a bit, while the puck/ball deforms slightly. This will allow the puck/ball to "linger" on the point of contact with the stick. Energy exchange takes place, and the puck/ball leaves the stick with some velocity. The fluid we call air is all around the players, the sticks and the puck/ball. The mechanics of the issue can be remarkably complex, as you might guess. Analysis can be as simple or as complex as the experiment the observer conducts to discover the physics of the hockey stick, which is a lever. The head of the stick acts as a lever with the shaft, and the shaft is a lever operated by the player. The head of the stick applies torque to the shaft, and this will deform the head when it impacts the puck. It will also apply leverage to the hands of the player using the stick. Think it through and see if you can visualize the dynamics. Draw a simple diagram to dig deep. You should be able to account for all the actions of the stick from a thoughtfully prepared diagram.

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15y ago

A Baseball bat having a barrel portion and a handle portion comprised of an aluminum alloy having on its surface a heat treated metallic alloy plating selected from the group consisting of nickel-phosphorus and nickel-boron, said metallic plating having been heat treated at a temperature sufficient to cause said plating to have a Vickers hardness in excess of about 550.

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Q: What are the physical properties of a wood hockey stick?
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How do you make a hockey stick?

you first need to get wood and then carve it to hockey stick form. then paint it to make it an officully hockey stick.

What is in a wooden hockey stick?


How do you remove wood from a hockey stick?

By applying heat to the shaft at the end of the stick where the wood is to be removed.

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out of wood.

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the first wooden hockey stick was made of wood. The wood was elm,Hickory,and smoked wood for the hockey stick............

Which wood is a hockey stick made from?

Hickory and Ash are common woods for hockey sticks.

Should you use a wood or composite hockey stick for roller hockey?

It really doesn't make a difference (except that wood sticks tend to be heavier and you also get more flex in a composite stick). It is mostly your preference.

Will shooting a ice hockey stick damage if shoot off wood?

No way

How would you classify a composite hockey stick from a wood hockey stick?

A composite hockey stick is made from a synthetic material such as carbon fiber and is seen as lighter and to have more flex than a wood hockey stick. The flex of the stick is often rated on the stick and the amount of flex is a preference of the player. Flex can be seen as important because it causes a snapping of the stick during a snap or slap shot which causes the puck to release at a higher velocity. however often the more flex a stick may have the easier it may break.

List three physical properties of a piece of wood?

There are many physical properties for a piece of wood. It is: A solid An insulator Less dense than water (usually)

How much is the most expinsive hockey stick?

the first hockey stick ever made. it was carved out of a singled peice of wood sometime between 1852 and 1856. it has a value of $4.25 million.

How do you make custom mini hockey sticks?

take a hockey stick and mini hockey stick. line up the mini stick on the regular one and cut the regular one and you get a mini hockey stick