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National Football League (212)-450-2000 Arizona Cardinals (602)-379-0101 Atlanta Falcons (770)-965-3115 Baltimore Ravens (410)-701-4000 Buffalo Bills (716)-648-1800 Carolina Panthers (704)-358-7000 Chicago Bears (847)-295-6600 Cincinatti Bengals (513)-621-3550 Cleveland Browns (440)-891-5000 Dallas Cowboys (972)-556-9900 Denver Broncos (303)-649-9000 Detroit Lions (313)-216-4000 Green Bay Packers (920)-569-7500 Houston Texans (832)-667-2000 Indianapolis Colts (317)-297-2658 Jacksonville Jaguars (904)-633-6000 Kansas City Chiefs (816)-920-9300 Miami Dolphins (305)-623-6100 Minnesota Vikings (952)-828-6500 New England Patriots (508)-543-8200 New Orleans Saints (504)-733-0255 New York Giants (201)-935-8111 New York Jets (516)-560-8100 Oakland Raiders (510)-864-5000 Philadelphia Eagles (215)-463-2500 Pittsburgh Steelers (412)-432-7800 San Diego Chargers (858)-874-4500 San Francisco 49ers (408)-562-4949 Seattle Seahawks (425)-827-9777 St. Louis Rams (314)-982-7267 Tampa Bay Buccaneers (813)-870-2700 Tennessee Titans (615)-565-4000 Washington Redskins (703)-726-7000

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13y ago

That would be the number sequence you select on your phone to place a call to an NFL player.

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How many NfL teams are in a division?

4 teams in a division,16 teams in the NFC all by itself,16 teams in the AFC all by itself,and 32 teams all together.

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None, the NFL has revenue sharing, where all the teams get a eqaul share of all the money the NFL has earned.

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Will all the NFL teams still wearing number 21 on their helmets?

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