There has been many of NFL players that have died in the last twenty years, but only one is listed as dying from cancer. In 2000, Oakland Raiders, Eric Turner died from stomach cancer.
he died from cancer and he was 50 years old!!
He died of cancer 24 years old on Friday June 6, 2003.
Emma Died Of Cancer When She Was 29 Years Old.
Yes. He died of cancer in 2013.
Jeanne died a couple years ago from cancer.
He died of liver cancer on April 19, 1975. He was 76 years old.
He died of cancer. He had it for five years.
She died from ovarian cancer in 1995; she was only 52 years old.
In honor of former player Melissa McCray-Dukes who died from breast cancer.
Flora Lewis, the mother of C.S. Lewis, died in 1908 when Lewis was just 9 years old. Her passing had a significant impact on him during his formative years.
His father died of cancer when Carmelo was two years old
yes she have died on June 25 2009 from a cancer she was 52 years-old