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Q: What are the main functions for front row players in volleyball?
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Who is play main roll in volley ball?

volleyball is a team sport and all players contribute equally no one position is better than another.

What are 4 officials in the game of volleyball and their functions?

Up ref- The main referee Down ref- The second referee Two line judges- Judge the line

What is the main similarity of playing the game of volleyball and basketball?

There isn't because volleyball is wayy better than basketball.

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Define the term setter in volleyball?

A Volleyball setter is the front right position. She/he is in charge of setting the ball over to another player of the same team so they can hit it over the net. The setter doesn't HAVE to set the ball they can bump it or anything else they want to do that is just the main thing.

What are the main roles in volleyball?

serving, setting, and bumpingYOUR WELCOME

What are the two main positions for a volleyball game?

Setter and spiker/blocker

What is the kinds of the volleyball?

The Main Brands are: Asics, Mikasa, Nike, and Tachikara.

What are the main functions of the human body?

The skin has three main functions: protection, regulation and sensation.

Do volleyball players wear special shoes?

yes, me, being a travel volleyball player has two pairs. you need to buy the shoes with gum rubber on the bottom. and the two main brands of volleyball shoes are Mizuno and Asics hope i was help!