November 12, 1955: Despite high winds and a temperature of zero, the Washington state-San Jose State football game was played on schedule in Pullman, Washington. Total paid attendance was one.
1987 cowboys vs dolphins game with 216.
216: The Cowboys/Dolphins game in 1987, where weather prohibited people from getting to the stadium.
A Harris Interactive poll done in October of 2007 found that the Jacksonville Jaguars are the least poopular NFL team.
washiington ,redskins
I'm going with the September 7, 1974 game between the Astros and Padres, which drew 3044 fans according to Baseball Reference. There were games with lower attendance when they were the Colt .45's. Houston is no place for outdoor baseball.
seahawks 0-3 browns
In 1943 the Giants and Lions ended the game 0 to 0
seahawks 0-3 browns
29.5 Ravens Giants 2001
2009 isn't over yet. TEE HEE.
Sanfrasico 49ers
The lowest possible score in a game where both teams have scored is 3-2. One team would get a field goal while the other would get a safety.