The soccer field is 50 yds. wide and 100 yds. long. The sideline is 100 yds. The endline or goalline is 50 yds. The halfway line is 50 yds. the goal box is 6yds. away from the goal. The penalty box is 18 yds. away from the goal.
The line in the center of a soccer field is the center line.
Halfway line
Touch line
Whenever the ball exits the field across a touch line.
There is no 50 yard line on a soccer field. That would be the pointy football next door you're looking for. But, as a pure math problem, there are always 150 feet in 50 yards.
Yes, there is a soccer field that the equator runs through. The Mitad del Mundo stadium in Quito, Ecuador, is built directly on the equator line, making it a unique location for playing soccer.
The penalty spot is 12 yards from the goal line.
Yes, midfielders can go past the halfway line in soccer. In fact, they are expected to contribute both defensively and offensively, supporting their team in various areas of the field.
A sweeper plays in and behind the defence back line.
there are 4 flags on a soccer field; one in every corner.
60 yards x 40 yards