Total money grossed? Soccer...there are too many players world wide, not to be the top money winners. Even if they averaged $100K per, they would easily exceed Baseball totals.
Well Soccer (or Football for everyone else but the US) isn't actually a very high income grossing sport. Sure lot's of people play it, but most players make almost nothing for salary around the world, and the games are played in front of non-paying fans, the exception is the European Leagues such as the EPL.
Sport Leagues in the US by far exceed anything else in the world
The highest money making sports leagues in the world are they are as follows:
IN 2007
1) The National Football League - $6.3 Billion
2) Major League Baseball - $6.0 Billion
3) The National Basketball Association - $4.0 Billion
4)The Premier League - $3.05 Billion
5) National Hockey League - $2.56 Billion
6) Indian premier league grossing $1.8 billion per year.this competition will held less than 50 days
There are many high grossing movies about World War Two. The highest grossing World War Two movie is called "Saving Private Ryan", which received eleven Academy Award nominations.
football rugby cricket football rugby cricket
World of warcraft, by a LARGE amount
very nice
The HIStory World Tour; $163,500,000.
Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End [961,002,663 US $]
The highest grossing film of 2007 was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Morgan Freeman's highest grossing film is The Dark Knight, of course. The movie grossed $527 million in the US! for a total of more than one billion world-wide.
fifa world cup
The 2008 Olympics