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listed from highest to lowest:

Brahmin which are the priests

Kshatiryas which are the warriors and rulers

Vaishyas which are the skilled workers and farmers

Sudra which are the unskilled workers

Harijan which are the outcasts

if you are a Brahmin and live a good life you go to Moksha, at one with the god Brahman

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Q: What are the five castes?
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How many castes in India?

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Who are Hurijans?

The Harijans are the schedule castes or low castes in India.

What are five castes in the caste system?

First was the Priest, then the Warriors, then the Merchants and the Land Owners, Next the Peasants and Slaves, Lastly the Outcastes (Untouchables)

How are the castes distinguished in Brave New World?

The five castes, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, distinguish each other based on several factors. First and foremost, each caste wears a different color. Alphas wear gray, Betas wear mulberry, Gammas wear green, Deltas wear khaki, and Epsilons wear black. Also, lower castes are given less oxygen as developing infants, making members of lower castes shorter, and in the case of the Deltas and Epsilons, more physically misshapen and stupid. It is because of these mental shortcomings that lower castes do factory work and upper castes hold jobs such as Directors, Psychiatrists, and Songsters.

What are the 4 castes called in Hinduism?

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Are people with Surname pradhan scheduled Castes?

no, they belong to upper castes, mostly from Brahmins, Kshatriyas castes across India and Nepal Region.

When was Scheduled Castes Federation created?

Scheduled Castes Federation was created in 1942.

How would Brahmans treat other castes?

they would treat the other castes poorly

List of forward castes in Tamilnadu?

312 forward castes.

Indian word for castes?

Indian word for castes means that idians that are afraid to be known by the world

Kolis Of Gujarat Why Fighting With Other Castes?

Becaus Koli is more in gujarat then other castes.