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depends what sport it is if it is Rugby the whole team has to go to Pakistan and get shot by terrorists

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Q: What are the effects of bribery in sports?
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The suffix for bribery is "-ery."

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There are no perfect rhymes for the word bribery.

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it courses a treat on other individual how have the interest in sports

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It was abolished in 1933 as the 21st ammendment to the constitution. These were because of its effects which included; Organised crime Moonshine Bribery corruption protests Bootlegging

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The thief used bribery to escape prison.

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Bribery is sinful in Islam and is not allowed. Both the bribery Donner and the Receiver are sinful per Islam teachings.

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How do you use the word bribery in 3 sentences?

Do you think that giving a child candy for behaving well is bribery? The police chief suspects the officer is guilty of bribery and blackmail. When a two year old won't do what he's told, bribery is always an option.

What are the positive effects of being a sports player?

The positive effects of being a Sports Player are that you keep fit, it keeps you entertained and it's for life, being a professional Sports Player gets you good money and the best thing is you enjoy it.

What are the Advantage and disadvantage of bribery?

Weakness Governance, Harms Economy and perpetuates Corruption