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Home plate is an irregular pentagon. The front is 17 inches wide, faces the pitcher, and defines the width of the strike zone. Then parallel sides 8.5 inches long connect to the foul lines. Finally 12 inch sides run down the foul lines, connecting where the foul lines meet.
It can be thought of as a 17 inch square with the parts that would be in foul territory removed.

It is probably more conceptually correct (though more geometrically difficult) to picture it as follows:
  • Start with a standard 12 inch square base, whose back corner forms the meeting point of the 2 foul lines, and whose front corner points to the pitcher.
  • The square has a 17 inch diagonal parallel to the pitching rubber. Draw another 17 inch line, parallel to this one, using the front corner of the square base as the line's center. Fill in the rectangle defined by these two 17 inch lines.

Thus you're left with a 17 inch by 8.5 inch rectangle facing the pitcher on a 12 inch square whose exposed sides point to first and third base. The rectangle defines the strike zone. The square defines fair territory and the placement of the bases.

Note: The figure described in the official rules of MLB, as well as above, is technically impossible. One of two things must be true to make it possible:
  • the parallel sides of 8.5" are in reality approximately 8.5295" (the square root of 71.75)
  • or the 12" sides that run along the foul lines are approximately 12.0208" (square root of 144.5)
The latter is more likely the case, as it would produce the angle measurements of 90º at the base and rear point and 135º at the sides.
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15y ago
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14y ago

It's a 17-inch square with two of the corners removed so that one edge is 17 inches long, two adjacent sides are 8 1/2 inches and the remaining two sides are 12 inches and set at an angle to make a point.

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14y ago

Overall size is 17" x 17". Details can be found at:

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13y ago

same as baseball

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15y ago

17in. x 17in.

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17 x 17 inches

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Q: What are the dimensions of a baseball home plate?
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How many inches is a baseball home plate?

The dimensions of a five-sided baseball home plate are: 17 inches by 8 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches, cut to a point at rear.

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No. Not all MLB fields are the same dimensions. The base paths and the distance from home plate to the pitcher's mound are all the same but the actual "home run" measurements vary.

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Early professional baseball did not have the home plate we are used to seeing today. In its early years, home plate was a diamond shape.

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There is no such thing as a commitment line

What is the size and dimensions of a baseball field?

The baseball infield is a 90 foot square turned 45 degrees to form a "diamond" shape. The outfield is all the area is all the are between the foul lines formed by extending two sides of the square. The pitcher's plate is 60 feet, 6 inches to the front of the home base (plate). The distance from home plate to 2nd base and from 3rd base to 1st base is 127 feet, 3 3/8 inches. This distance from home plate to the nearest fence, stands, or other obstruction in fair territory shall be 250 feet or more. There are many other dimensions and other features of a baseball field that are required or recommended by the rules of baseball, but the above is the basics.

In baseball what shape is home plate?

Square. And home plate is a pentagon.

Dimensions of little league baseball?

46 feet from home plate to the pitcher's mound. 60 feet from home to first, first to second, and so on. The outfield walls depend on the field, usually they are around 200 feet.

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