Why are the rules of baseball and softball different?
Differences Between Softball and Baseball The softball is usually about 12 inches in circumference, compared to 9 inches for a baseballThe ball is pitched underhand in softball, overhand in baseballThe bases are 60 feet apart in softball, 90 feet apart in baseballThere are 7 innings in a softball game, 9 in a baseball gameSoftball starting players may re-enter the game after the first substitution (a second substitution is permanent, the starter may not re-enter). In baseball, a substitution of any kind is permanentSoftball is pitched from a flat 'circle', instead of a mound, as in baseballThe softball infield is all dirt, baseball has grass in the infieldDepending on the softball governing body, distance from the pitching rubber to the plate is 43' or 45', baseball is 60'6"The outfield fences are typically 300' in softball, a little further in baseballBecause of the proximity of the pitcher to the plate, the size of the ball and a couple of other features, Softball strategy involves much more 'small ball', meaning bunting and slapping to advance runners in order to score.Other answers from the community:The objective of the games are basically the same. Balls/strikes/outs are consistent. Baseball can leave the base prior to the pitcher releasing the ball, whereas in softball the runners may not leave until the ball is released. If you are familiar with baseball, you can research softball under ASA or Pony leagues for additional information.At the minutia level of detail, softball players curiously do not wear pants, like baseball players [in 2008, the trend toward pants is gaining momentum...basically TEAM USA (the Olympic Team, is one of the last organized teams that wear shorts]. The softball is usually yellow vs. white. The softball pitcher may leave the pitching rubber during delivery before releasing the ball; in baseball this would be an illegal pitch. The softball bat is also different from a baseball bat in that it is not tapered. In ASA Softball, all players are required to have a cage attached to the batting helmet.