The two main types of piston heads are flat top and dome top. Flat top pistons have a flat surface, while dome top pistons have a raised dome shape on the top surface. Other variations include dish top pistons and reverse dome pistons.
diesel engine
no it will not the pistons are diffrent the 20r has domw pistons and the 22re has flat top pistons
In July of 2009, John Kuester was hired as head coach of the Pistons
There are many, many types of pistons. The pistons of a 4-cycle gasoline internal combustion engine are different from those in a diesel powered or two-cycle two cycle engines. There are other alternative fuels that require specialized pistons too. Then within a group, such as 4-cycle gasoline automobile engines there can be domed, or pistons with valleys or cut-outs for the valves. There short sleeves, long sleeves, thick or thin wall, or cuts for different types of rings. There are literally thousands of different types or variations of pistons.
usually there is a blown head gasket or warped head to get water in a cylinder
There are many types of classification , 1 natural , 2 phylogenetic , 3 cladistic etc.
The classification of organisms is a system of arranging the organisms into groups or sets on the basis of similarities and differences. The two types of classification are:- (i) plant kingdom (ii) animal kingdom
Larry Brown
classification of hotels in UK
They are the same. ANSWER they are the same if they are both 4x4 or both 2x4 because the 4x4 has popup pistons and the head is clearenced for them and the 2x4 has dish pistons and is not clearenced for the popup pistons
a fish