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A defensive person:

#Never likes to be proved wrong

#always needs the reason to argue

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Q: What are the characteristics of a defensive person?
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a defensive driver is a person who has road rage.

What is offensive and defensive tactics?

Offensive and defensive tactics will depend upon what a person is trying to do. For example, in football defensive tactics will defend themselves and offensive tactics will be trying to make a goal.

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yes it is defensive because it can make someone really think that the person is dead or the animal dead!!!!!!!!

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a defensive lineman is the person who basically tackles anyone who trys to tackle the person in possesion of the ball: ) this probalbly doesn't help at all...heck i guessed on this, sorry...oh well : )

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WHAT IS CHaracteristics of a person?

Well, it depends on who the person is.

What are considered quality characteristics for a person?

Quality characteristics for a person can range greatly. Some great characteristics for a person to have are compassion, integrity, loyalty, self confidence, positive thinking as well as being responsible. These are just a few of what would be considered quality characteristics.

What are the characteristics of a woman named Jenny?

The name given to a person has nothing whatsoever to do with the physical or personality characteristics that person will develop

How does online defensive driving work?

An online defensive driving course is more or less a video with questions that the person taking the course takes at the end. However, taking a defensive driving course this way costs more than taking a "live" defensive driving course, and it is far more hands-on.

What are some characteristics of a person that wants to get into the work of construction?

Some characteristics of a person that want to get into construction are good with hands, knowledgeable of tools, a do it yourself person, hard worker and in need of a job. There are many other characteristics also.

Who is the first person the Seattle Seahawks ever drafted?

Defensive tackle Steve Neihaus.

How do you make a sentence with characteristics?

He might have been a chihuahua, but he had the characteristics of a much bigger dog.