Johnny Unitus
No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better
football cleats don't have an arch in them. Football cleats have ankel protection, and an arch. but, for soccer you have a low cut ankle support and no arch. its best to invest in the correct cleat for each sport, or you could take the risk of injuring yourself.
The ones that make you play good
Footballers wear cleats, shoes with studs on the bottom to get a good grip in the wet soil.
Peton Manning is a possible awnser
Football cleats are heavier and more supportive, whereas baseball cleats are lighter. Baseball cleats can use metal spikes, while those are not used for football cleats. Studs on baseball cleats tend to have the same length, while for football cleats, the length varies. :D your welcome !
the molded type not the detachable kind the shorter the better
Ever or right now? I believe the best QB in football right now is Peyton Manning and the best QB ever is Joe Montana.
The sizes are the same as any shoe.
It all depends on which sport you're going to be playing. If you're playing football, buy football cleats; if you're playing baseball, buy baseball cleats. Here's why: Baseball cleats have a special cleat on the right side of the shoe, allowing a player to better grip the ground as they're pivoting to run bases. Football cleats are also typically longer and sharper than baseball cleats. There's also a toe cleat on football cleats that does not exist on baseball cleats (injury hazard).