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•In American football players were protective equipment to help not worry about getting hit in head or in the neck. This helps because players can just barge through other players to get more points/touchdowns. On the other side though they are very heaver and can make it harder to run.

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14y ago
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17y ago

because the new helmts are made to fut the gravity of your head so it can reduce the concussion 31%

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13y ago

because they are beasty est just like Justin Bieber

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12y ago

So you don't get a concussion or any other damage to your head.And so youre head doesnt rattle around inside the helmet

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11y ago

because they keep players from having brain damage and keep the players safe and healthy

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Helmet-To-Helmet are not allowed. If that's what you were asking.

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A typical football helmet is not bullet proof but someone could create a bullet proof football helmet.

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Michigan with their winged helmet.

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with windex covering the outside shell of the helmet

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In today's world of football no it is not a good football helmet. Your better off with a concussion Prevention helmet like a xenith or DNA or riddell.

Is there real gold in Notre Dame's football helmet?

Yes. There are real gold flecks in Notre Dame's current football helmet.

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