The left front position is the outside hitter. The middle front position is the middle hitter. The right front position is the setter.
There are only 6 positions in volleyball : Right-Front Left-Front Middle-Back Left-Back Right-Back Setter
the 3 positions in volleyball are.... left, middle, and right. There are 3 in the front of the court and 3 in the back of the court. If u were to go around, starting with the serving position, going clockwise, it would go... right back, middle back, left back, left front, middle front, and right front. there are many other names for these positions also but these are the basic names. look at chart so u know what i am talking about!
Basic positions are: pitcher,catcher,firstbase man,secondbase man,thirdbase man,shortstop,right field, left field, center field
Right back (usually the setter), middle back (libero), left back, Right front(opposite), Middle front (middle blocker), left front (outside hitter)
Answerserver is #1 in the back right corner,#2 is setter in right front corner, #3 in middle front, #4 in left front, #5 in left back, And #6 in back middle.
libero, outside hitter, middle blocker, opposite, setter, back row
OS stands for Outside Hitter which is also known as the Left Side Hitter. This is usually your most consistent hitter and usually the hitter is right handed.
For two player beach volleyball there's one in the back and one in the back. For six person there's positions 1-6. 1 is the serving area. 2 is the the right side hitter. 3 is middle hitter and most commomly used as the setter position. 4 is the left side hitter. 5 is left back. 6 is middle back.
there are four positions on a soccer field unless you are talking about peewee soccer. there is the goalie forward or striker, midfield, and the backs or defenders
By positions, what do you mean. -------NET----------- They could be the six positions around the court. 2 3 4 1 6 5 Or you could mean the different types of player: Power (Left Side), Middle, Setter, Right Side or Libero. In that case there are only five different positions.
the positions are right, left, and center forward. right, left, and center halfbacks (mid-fielders). right, left, and center fullbacks (defense) and the goalie. the positions can be arranged differently depending in you team. this is just the way (very good way) i play.
There is a middle blocker, who is on the middle in the front row, an outside hitter, generally on the left of the middle blocker, a right-side hitter, on the right of the middle blocker, a setter, who has various positions, another outside hitter, and a defensive specialist, or libero.