

Best Answer a) Stimulants:

amiphenazole methylenedioxymethamphetamine

amphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy)

bemigride methylphenidate

benzphetamine nikethamide

bromantan pemoline

caffeine1 (guarana) pentetrazol

chlorphentermine phendimetrazine

cocaine phenmetrazine

cropropamide phentermine


diethylpropion phenylpropanolamine (ppa)

dimethylamphetamine picrotoxine

doxapram pipradol

ephedrine prolintane

(ephedra, ma huang) strychnine

ethamivan synephrine

ethylamphetamine (citrus aurantium, zhi shi, bitter

fencamfamine orange)

meclofenoxate and related compounds


(b) Anabolic Agents:

anabolic steroids

androstenediol methyltestosterone

androstenedione nandrolone

boldenone norandrostenediol

clostebol norandrostenedione

dehydrochlormethyl- norethandrolone

testosterone oxandrolone

dehydroepiandro- oxymesterone

sterone (DHEA) oxymetholone

dihydrotestosterone stanozolol

(DHT) testosterone2

dromostanolone tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)

epitrenbolone trenbolone

fluoxymesterone and related compounds



methandienone other anabolic agents

methenolone clenbuterol

(c) Substances Banned for Specific Sports:


alcohol pindolol

atenolol propranolol

metoprolol timolol

nadolol and related compounds

(d) Diuretics:

acetazolamide hydrochlorothiazide

bendroflumethiazide hydroflumethiazide

benzhiazide methyclothiazide

bumetanide metolazone

chlorothiazide polythiazide

chlorthalidone quinethazone

ethacrynic acid spironolactone

flumethiazide triamterene

furosemide trichlormethiazide

and related compounds

(e) Street Drugs:

heroin tetrahydrocannabinol

marijuana3 (THC)3

(f) Peptide Hormones and Analogues:

corticotrophin (ACTH)

human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)

leutenizing hormone (LH)

growth hormone(HGH, somatotrophin)

insulin like growth hormone (IGF-1)

All the respective releasing factors of the above-mentioned

substances also are banned:

erythropoietin (EPO) sermorelin


(g) Definitions of positive depends on the following:

1. for caffeine - if the concentration in urine exceeds 15


2. for testosterone - if the administration of testosterone or use

of any other manipulation has the result of increasing the ratio

of the total concentration of testosterone to that of

epitestosterone in the urine to greater than 6:1, unless there is

evidence that this ratio is due to a physiological or

pathological condition.

3. for marijuana and THC - if the concentration in the urine of

THC metabolite exceeds 15 nanograms/ml.

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In addition to all illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.), Division II banned substances are identical to Division I and Division III banned substances, as the NCAA makes no distinction between divisions for banned substances.

A complete list is available at

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