some people are able to start at 3 years old but it doesnt matter how old you re
All citizens could particapate drectly in government. Now we have to be of age to particapate in government.
In competitive cheerleading, levels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and very rarely 6. 6 is a level for college students
The Greeks believed that people could use their minds and reason to choose and run good governments.
It means senior level 4 stunts and level 2 tumbling. (backhandspring, round off backhandspring)
you can be any age i know people who started at the age of like 4
Trinity Cheer Studio is a organization that offers competitive cheerleading to anyone age 3-12 with or without experience.
It does not particapate in anything
particapate and be a comunity
All cheerleading levels are different. Around where I live which is ohio, you would be in probably be in range 4 or 5 depending on how good you are at certain tumbling and gymnastics moves.
Yes, competitive cheerleading is a sport. All-Star cheerleaders incorporate high levels or stunting and tumbling into 2:30 routines which they take to competitions all over the country, leading to the Cheerleading Worlds
I am not sure because in All-Star higher levels here in the North they require you to have it