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wooden bats are real good if you can buy a wooden bat insted of a normal bat then buy it? there are like compaset bats but beter, in combats they have some wood inside them that makes the ball go farther then normal bats and wooden bats are mad completely from wood, so it makes the ball go realy, realy far and they are all around beter bats.

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12y ago

Ash wood is used to make bats.

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Are wood bats used in AAU baseball?

No wood bats in AAU.

What type of wood are baseball bats made from?

Most wood baseball bats are made from white ash. However there are more professionals nowadays using bats made from maple, because it is known to be a little stronger than ash. Bamboo is also used, but it is less common.

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Is a baseball bat made out of pine tree?

Decorative bats can be made of any type wood, but most bats today are made from ash.

What are some Advantages of using maple wood?

Bruce says It is shiny

Which metal is used for making baseball bats?

Baseball bats generally made from wood or metal. Metal baseball bats are usually made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy.