

Best Answer

Fun, mainly!

In a sense, playing with a ball can be likened to a child on a swing - the joy of going for a ride - travelling through the air without having to perform much work - a "freebie" in life. Likewise, balls are built to bounce. Its ability to bounce of itself means that man does not have to constantly do all the work to retrieve it - it inherently performs some of the work itself. In a sense, it almost has a life of its own - in terms of movement, and one has to learn how to predict its movements and behaviour.

Also, behaviour predictability: most balls are of the round form, and this property facilitates easiness of engagement with them.

A ball also has properties that lend it to creativity; man seems to have a great desire to be creative: balls can be used in so many ways that can help to fulfill this need for creativity. Many different types of games can be created around their use.

Additionally, its bouncing capacity means one does not have to constantly be bending all the way down to the ground to utilize or play with it. It will freely return to his possession with little effort on his part.

In another sense, its capacity for bounce and mobility is also very useful in man's desire for exercising himself. Imagine, on the other hand, just throwing or chasing around a jagged stone or wood: it stops within feet of where it lands.

Also, most balls can be constructed such that the body is comfortable with them - they can be light, easy to handle and they do not damage body tissue, as most other tools might. This is particularly useful when one wants to engage the environment vigorously, or/and for long periods of time - as in an "exercise" programme. Further, this ability for it to be thrown or kicked around without causing people damage lends itself particularly well to engaging or including others in the activity through team sports - which also facilitates man's desire for socialization with others. Further, many a girl and a guy, for instance, have first met through a simple ball game activity or sports club.

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