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The advantage of playing Basketball is a number of things. first of all it keeps you in shape, secondly, it can be for fun. There are lots of other reasons why there is advantages of basketball. But I think these two are enought.

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16y ago
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15y ago

As far as India is concerned you get easy admissions in schools and colleges. Love from teachers and family members. It is know for increasing height as you play basketball your height goes in increasing rapidly, for boys they have various exercises due to which their body increases and they look good, whereas girls look a bit bulky 'cause girls are meant to have an elegant look.

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14y ago

You constantly run and it causes you to think about strategory. Non stop action sport you have to do more than one thing at a time very technical.

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13y ago

You build skills like coordination and you get fit and healthy from it. You also can build healthy relationships and have fun playing.You get energy.

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13y ago

basketball is a good sport. it helps you stay active and healthy. it is a great sport for anybody

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15y ago

advantage-it helps to grow our height

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