Deanna Favre has two children: Brittany Nicole Favre and Breleigh Ann Favre.
Brett Favre has two daughters: Brittany Nicole, born February 6, 1989 Breleigh Ann, born July 13, 1999
Brittany was born on February 6, 1989 and was 21 on her birthday in 2010.Breleigh was born on July 13, 1999 and will be 11 on her birthday in 2010.(Britanny's son Parker Brett Favre, Brett's first grandchild, was born April 2, 2010.)
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
No. Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
Brett Favre has 2 daughters, Brittany (born February 6, 1989) and Breleigh (born July 13, 1999). His grandson, Parker Brett, was born on April 2, 2010.
she is 11 years old. I know because she and i are friends. she gos to my school too
Brett Favre has 2 daughters : Brittany (born February 6, 1989) turned 21 on her birthday in 2010. Breleigh (born July 13, 1999) turns 11 on her birthday in 2010. Brett's grandson, Parker Brett, was born to daughter Brittany on April 2, 2010.