The standard six questions are Who?, When?, Why?, What?, Where?, and How?.
Its called the Five W's and the H. * Who? * What? * When? * Where and * How.
First, this is a challenge for any reporter-- knowing the right questions to ask. I cannot give you examples of six questions without knowing what news story you are asking about. But it's always wise to focus on the Five Ws and one H: who, what, where, when, why... and how. If you base your questions on trying to find out who did the thing, what it was they did, where they did it, when they did it, why they did it, and how they did it, you should have the basis of a good news story.
These are the questions you should be sure you have answered when writing a story for the news. Whether it be for TV, Radio, or Print.
1+1 ;)
Reporters do not always ask the same six questions. The questions asked by reporters are determined by the type of information they are trying to retrieve. However, most good reporters will attempt to find out the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a situation or story they are covering.
They wear snazzy hats.
I don't think you could be a reporter. Check the related questions that you asked.
to ask who, what, where, how, when, why.
Yes, you can ask cooking questions.
You don't ask questions on wikipedia, but you can ask questions on wikianswers.
Ask 21 questions and hope someone answers them. In the real game 21 questions, you ask 21 questions and who ever can't answer them looses. ask 21 question?
-ask the right witnesses the right questions -record yhur conversations -dnt exzagerate things they say add me: