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Q: What are the 3 routes the forty-niners traveled by?
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Balboa traveled many routes during his time as an explorer. One of the better known was when he traveled across what is now Panama to enter the South Seas.

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Why were they called fortyniners?

The forty niners were called the forty niners because the gold rush was in 1849.

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The scientist traveled in transpolar air routes.

What type of people traveled to foreign lands as sea routes opened?

It was usually merchants who traveled to foreign lands when the sea routes opened. Having access to sea routes and ships allowed them to trade their merchandise in foreign countries in return for items they had never seem before.

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The routes by land. They always traveled by sea.

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a cyclical or seasonal movement of people and livestock along routes traveled repeatedly

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They would either make or buy them from traders who traveled along the same routes.

Many European merchants traveled along the trade routes of the?

the silk road was not one road but several trade