You can be an umpire really easily. You can help out at your local school, university or club. Or you can go on courses that England Netball run.
Yes, as an umpire you will umpire the same half for the whole game.
Its not judge it has an umpire like how soccer has a ref
Depending on the umpire i guess.. Once we were playing and a girl was about 20 cm away from me (should be 3 feet / 1 meter) and the umpire didnt call her
The umpire is the person that picks up all your mistakes. Like stepping, contact ect.
Type your answer here... to controll the game. fairness.
The Northern side.
To be a good netball umpire or any kind of umpire; you must 1)Know the rules thoroughly 2)Be Fair 3)Pay Attention/Watch closely 4)Be serious 5)Run with the ball (Follow the ball in court) 6)Use Hand signalling to indicate which team has to obtain ball 7)Loud Voice
the time keeper is to tell the time which is need in each halves, quaters and extra time. they have to tell the umpire all about this, its an important job. hope i helped, lee.
the officials are the captain- the coach- the timekeeper and the umpire
Official Roles Consist of Upper Court Umpire Lower Court Umpire Score Keeper Time Keeper (occasionally but not necessary) The perspective coaches Possibly a third or back-up assisting umpire