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you are only aloud to touch the ball 3times as soon as it comes over into yourside of the court. if you dont touch it 3 times alltogether out of your whole team and pass the ball to the other team it will not count.

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13y ago
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12y ago

pass, set, hit.

pass=first contact either with your forearms or your hands

set=second contact by the setter and they put the ball up in front of the hitter either with their hands or with their forearms

hit=last contact over the net. you can push, tip, or hit the ball


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14y ago

Usually the first touch on the ball is called a pass. The second is a normally a set, and the third, a hit.

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14y ago

Bumping (passing), Setting, and Hitting.

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Q: What are the 3 contacts called in volleyball?
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Why it is called volleyball?

VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.

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Volleyball Net Volleyball Court For clothes: Knee Pads Sometimes special volleyball shorts If you are on a team, volleyball jerseys

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