you are only aloud to touch the ball 3times as soon as it comes over into yourside of the court. if you dont touch it 3 times alltogether out of your whole team and pass the ball to the other team it will not count.
Volleyball is a sport played on a 30x30 gym, outside or a beach court with 6 players in a gym and 2 players on a beach. Invented by William G Morgan. Volleyball is played with 3 contacts called a pass (bump), set (volley) and a hit (spike). In order to be successful in this sport you need to be communicative with your teammates and you need to have good hand eye coordination.
A double hit in volleyball is when the same player contacts the ball twice without another player touching the ball.
There are no quarters in a volleyball game. Their called "sets" its a game and you either play best 2 of 3 or 3 of 5.
It was always called a volleyball
Volleyball does not have a quarterback position.
when only 3 players can be on the volleyball court
Mintonette is the first name of the volleyball...afterwards a man noticed the game and called it volleyball (originally spelled as Volley ball)...
the former name of volleyball is called "Mintonette" , it was just change when Dr. Alfred S. Halstead suggested to change the name of the game to "Volleyball" in 1932. It's first olympic game hall in Tokyo, Japan. editor -Aimee Gillespie writer- Maddie Finn
VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.
Volleyball Net Volleyball Court For clothes: Knee Pads Sometimes special volleyball shorts If you are on a team, volleyball jerseys
Yes, its called sitting volleyball because the players sit on the floor.
Velocity is the speed of something in a given directionin volleyball there is a club called velocity