i know what you're referring to :D
i guess you tried playing on tournament mode on hard difficulty.
And when you faced the guy with light brown hair, (the guy who is closing his eyes in the selection) you saw a dunk different from the other dunks.
It's a dunk wherein he stays under the rim for about a second and then dunks the ball.
I know how to do this :D
you can only do it on that guy.
sorry i can't explain how to do this, this is really HARD to explain by typing.
all i can say is that it's controls are exactly the same as a normal dunk.
the only different thing is the timing. its VERY VERY HARD to time this.
` = jump
] = move left
shift = guard & shoot
Really hope that helps :)
crash the ball on top while above the net
left down up right same time
Air Raid.......
I can
Air Raid Precautions
Go to an air raid shelter
press thesse buttons move to the right + run move to the right again and jump and hold the up key
air raid
Go in the air raid shelter on each map
The duration of Air Raid Wardens is 1.12 hours.
Yes because you spell it like this air raid
air raid sirens would signal there was going to be an air attack when this happened people would cram into air raid shelters