the starters are voted in by the fans, then the all star anager selecters the reserves.
14%. I actually did the math in March of 2013, but only included starters.
There are no traditional starters. It depends on the family.
The Starters are Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita
The first course follows starters in a menu.
You can only get the Johto starters by trading from Emerald or XD.
Yes you get starters on all Pokemon games.
Yes! No, only the Jhoto starters.
Trading Pokemon for Starters, High level Pokemon for Low Level Starters Most Likely will work.
There are two main types of starters for fluorescent bulbs: preheat starters and rapid-start starters. Preheat starters are used with older-style fluorescent fixtures, while rapid-start starters are used with newer fixtures.
No. The starters are still : piplup, chimchar and turtwig.
yes they are starters but only at fancy restaurants