to keep your hair out of your face and to keep it back
To keep sweat from falling into your eyes.
Yes the sports shoe warehouse should sell blue headbands because most sports shoes stores carry basketball accessories along with the shoes. Blue headbands can also be found at almost any other sports shoe store.
You can find glitter headbands at almost any store.
Precious metal headbands are typically just referred to as headbands. However, occasionally they can be referred to as an Alice band.
What benefits do running headbands have? Well, headbands keep the sweat from your head from going into your face, which could sting your eyes and decrease your performance.
headbands are bands that go around your head to prevent sweat dripping onto your face :)
This site,( see link below) , I believe you will buy the glitter headbands. You can also find glitter headbands at they have single and double colors.
I personally purchase replacement headbands from eBay. I know that Bestbuy do as well.
You can get them from online sell.
the inventor of headbands
You can find Bridal Headbands at a variety of locations. You can find them at David's Bridal, Etsy, and eBay. You can also find Bridal Headbands online at Dressale (dot) com and USA Bride (dot) com.