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Wing AttackIt does help to be fast but WA needs to be smart. They need to know when to change things up (e.g a centre pass- not always running to the sam spot) and they need to be good at reading the shooting circle, know when the shooters want it and where. WA is a heaps fun position as it is actually the controller on the court not the centre, the centre is the fill in and follows the flow of the court, the WA creates the flow.
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13y ago
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13y ago

Center is one of the hardest positions to play. You always have to be there for the ball. Here are some tips:

1. Hold your player then wave your hand behind your head and call for the ball. Most likely they will give you a lob.

2. Move forward and then go back and then forward if you didn't get the ball the first time.

3. Fill in all the empty spaces.

Hope that's enough.

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16y ago

at center WA runs out and receives ball and then GS runs and receives the ball from WA and then the GS passes it off to the C or WA again. by this time the GA should have sprinted into the circle which the GS left open for her.

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13y ago

you need to the post as much as you can in gs and then you should make set ups so that the WA passes to the ga and then the ga pasees to the gs and then the gs shoots and then rebond if it doesnt go in but if it doess then yer you got the goal so the main thing is set up and rbondibg the ball

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