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Q: What are some things to say to a pitcher to calm him down in the middle of the game?
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What does it mean when a pitcher throws to Broadway?

Pitches the ball down the middle of the plate.

What do you do if you are scared?

Breathe slowly, try to forget the things that you are scared of and calm down.

How do you calm down about middle school?

Take big deep breathes of air and exhale. To calm down your nerves. Get everything ready so you feel well prepared (for school) and look you best to impress!

What is the verb for calm?

Calm is an action, so it is already a verb. As in "to calm down" or "to calm someone down".Calms, calming and calmed are verbs too."Please calm down"."He is calming the boss down"."He calmed the room".

What is the name of the song that goes baby calm calm calm down?

Calm Down, Baby by Mac Lethal.

What is calm down?

Calm Down is when someone mad or something so people usually say "calm down"

What do you do when you lose your temper?

when i lose my temper i hit things and break them etc. till i calm down.

What do I do when a team isn't getting along?

stop everybody and just calm down and work things out

How do you say calm down?

You can say "calm down" in different ways such as "take a deep breath," "relax," or "stay calm."

Can you use Ambien to calm down?

Ambien will not calm you down.