this is one of my best jokes yet ... isn't it the time of year, of the time of month, of the time of day when a man talks to his car thinking its a woman. Every day he pleades to it but it gives him the same answer every time(key ignition)(engine souuns)*no no no no no.
what do you want for dinner, (when last did you here those words from a guys mouth). she will laugh at you.
The ypur family prepares for strom by buying lots of beer, soda, cigs and weed.
happeness is expressing there feeling to another so theres ypur answer happeness is expressing there feeling to another so theres ypur answer
You may search for some rental companies they may help you find the apartments for ypur desired location.
play whith your dog
no bleping idea
ypur fat mamas tummy
up ypur but
many people are it depends in which country u ypur talking about
poopy face ypur dumb
maybe up ypur bum picking uppoo
It depends on condotions, ypur looking @ $150 - $300
rinse ypur mouth out and maybe a tissue there