I'm not sure where Lenior is but here are the best cheer gyms in NC.
Cheer Extreme Allstars (They have a gym in Raleigh, Kernersville, Greenville, Salem and Sanford)
Greensboro Allstars (Greensboro)
Charlotte Allstars (Charlotte)
L-town Odyssey All-Stars- odysseyallstarsltown.com Cheer Extreme at KPAC gym- cheerextreme.com , kpacgym.com
all are great
sometimes in some places
fly girl is something like a cheerleading game but that is all i can think of
: cheerleading can be used for football and basketball games. but it can also be all-star cheerleading. all-star cheerleading is cheerleading that you compete against all squads and it is all year round. there are like 20 compeitions that you attend each season. you can go check out my all-star cheerleading team at : http://www.marylandtwisters.com
Billionaire by Travie McCoy
A good stretch for cheerleading is the butterfly, lunge, any sort of arm stretch, and esspecially stretching the legs and the muscles between the legs! Hope i could help! Sabrina
If you are looking for cheerleading auditions in New Jersey it will be by a cheerleading store. If your looking for cheerleading auditions in another state it will be bye a sports center or also a cheerleading store.
The question of which cheerleading shoes are the best is entirely subjective, and thus there can be no definitive answer. Some poplular brands of cheerleading shoe include Kaepa and Zephz.
There are many injurys in cheerleading but some that can prevent you from cheerleading are spine injurys neck injurys sincerely, Dr.Bostick
The answer depends on whose championships you are referring to - college? high school? professional? some other cheerleading organization?