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If you are a school squad, the school mascot.

If you are a recreational league/ athletic association pick a name that sounds good with your association. (e.g. the Greensville Gators, the Tuckahoe Twisters, Leeville Lightning.)

If you are an All-star division competitive team pick something flashy. Dream All-stars, Cheer Storm, Supernova All-stars, Fire and Flame All-Stars, Cheer Xplosion ect. ect.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Well it depends on some other things.

If youre a school team, the name of your squad should correspond with the school's mascot.

Ex: Ridgefield Ravens- Raven Cheerleaders


Louisa Lancers-Lancer Ladies

If youre a Rec league pretty much the same rules apply

If youre an All-Star team, this requires much more thought.

What do you want the name of your gym to express? Power? Strength?

What kind of themes and colors go along with this name?

Is this name catchy? Does it sound elite, or childish? Could I make up a cheer to this name.

Ex: Cheer Storm All-Stars, Sprit Factory

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13y ago

Well for competetive i think some cool names would be American Revolution, Champion Cheer, or depending on what state you live in like if you lived in California you could use Cali Athletics, California Stars, or in Texas, Texas Cheer, Texas Elite. Or you could use the city like San Francisco Allstars.

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10y ago

If you are looking to make a cheer team for a school, you should use the name of the school (Hamburg) or city (Buffalo) for example. And then the mascot, I prefer when it starts as the same letter as the school (Hamburg Hawks) and (Buffalo Bulldogs) for example. If you're into the names like Gym Tyme and Cheer Extreme, that is all creativity. There is a gym nearby where I live, it is known as WNY Outlaws. Each team has its own name per level (Black Smoke, Black Bullets, Most Wanted, etc) Find a theme and stick to it!

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14y ago

delta force



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14y ago

Clovers (bring it on), Toros(bring it on), Warriors(Bring it on(all or nothing), Pirates(Bring in on(all or nothing)

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14y ago

Toros, Clovers, Pirates, Warriors, Sparks, Jets, Sea Lions, Jaguars and Dream Team

Thats all I can think of...

Hope I Helped

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12y ago

it depends what your gyms theme is. Tigers, Heat wave, shockwave, xtreme cheer, xtreme stunts, xtreme Allstars, fever,

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12y ago

pride athletics

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