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Cheer tryouts are such a fun thing! & I get the idea of you wanting to do a different style! That's a great idea by the way, it makes the judges remember who you are!:)

Well, I'm a cheerleader and have been through a tun of tryouts! So here are a few ways to wear your hair,:)

  • A cute bun (: Maybe messy, but not so messy its in your face!
  • French Braid the top into a low pony tail
  • Twist sections of your hair & tie with a rubber band. Then but it all back into a bun!
  • Braid your ponytail into different sections
  • Put your hair into two buns on the top of your head

Whatever way you decide to wear your hair, make sure you put a cute bow in it! Its adorable! Some coaches watch for a cute bow that stands out!



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13y ago
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15y ago

I think a ponytail is the best but maybe pigtails

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13y ago

If you are a cheerleader and you want it to match your uniform then get whatever color your uniform color(s) are.

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12y ago

I say you just have it down unless you can put it up.

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Q: What are some good cheer leading hairstyles?
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What is the average NFL cheerleader age?

Any ages can be cheerleaders from 3-100 there are a lot of different cheer leading teams, some are open, some are school teams. Cheer leading isn't just a "give me a A" and all that stuff. Cheer leading is so much more. It is so fun you cheer, you dance, you stunt and tumble when you are on great cheerleading teams.

Where can one play cheer leading games?

Cheer leading games can be played on most flash gaming based websites. They can also be bought in stores for video game consoles or played in some arcades.

What are some good hairstyles for girls?

a poney tale or a not to messy bun

What are some good hairstyles for a red head?

curled, or a side braid

Where can find ideas for cheer leading costumes?

Maybe some Junior Highs...because they have cheer teams, or maybe some costume stores that you can probably find in malls around town.

Do all colleges have cheerleaders?

No ,not all, because some colleges don't believe that cheer leading is a sport

What are some good hairstyles for a guy with long curly brown hair?


How good do you have to be to make the JV cheer leading team at a high school?

It depends on the school. Some schools require no tumbling at all, you just have to be able to smile, dance, and cheer. However, some schools look for girls with higher tumbling skills such as backhandsprings and tucks

Is cheerleading a challenging on your body?

Well, if you are in good physical condition, and you are flexible, then cheer leading exercises you and at sometimes can be a challenge to our bodies. Depending what level of cheer leading you are on and what you do, that can also impact our bodies. For example, being on the bottom of the pyramid is easy balance wise, but hard muscle wise. On the top of the pyramid, you do little muscle work but it is challenging to keep balance. The middle requires some of both.

What are some good hairstyles for a graduation?

Hafeway up curled with lalittle bamgs hanging down