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Q: What are some customs that are practiced by the people in seattle?
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What happeneed when stone age people died?

When Stone Age people died, their bodies were often buried with items they would need in the afterlife, such as tools or personal belongings. Some groups practiced burial rituals, while others may have practiced cremation. The exact customs varied depending on the cultural beliefs and practices of each group.

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The customs official stopped him.We ask you to respect other people's customs and traditions.

What are some holidays and customs of Switzerland?

Holidays Christmas.etc Customs eating other people and cheese, and brains

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Taekwondo is practiced by some people in Ireland.

Is polygamy still practiced in the US?

Yes, polygamy is still practiced in the United States by some groups of people, but not with legal consent.

What is the filipino customs and tradition still being practiced and reserved?

Some of it are , our Dance .. or Folk dance:> Like Cordillera Dance , Muslim Dance , and the most popular , tinikling

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What religions are practiced in the Canary Island?

Most of the people on the Canary Islands are Roman Catholic. However, there are some other religions practiced on the Canary Islands.

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food,people,holiday and festival

What are some similarities and differences between Catholic customs in Mexico and the United States?

The Catholic institution is more or less the same on all countries it is practiced, with very small, unnoticeable differences.

What are some Mulatto customs?

People of mixed white and black ancestry are not a distinct culture. The notion that certain races of people all have the same customs is incorrect and shockingly ignorant.