

Best Answer

Thigh Stand



Variations: Note, all these variations can be done at any of the levels above








Basket Tosses

All these skills can be done in a basket toss: Kick, twist, back tuck, pike, toe-touch and many more

Pyramids- These are made by flyers who connect aerially by holding hands. There are many levels to pyramids.

Some types of variations are

Sweedish Falls

Wolf Wall

Table Top

A- Frame

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there are so many types of stunts: * thigh stand * elevator * extended- straight up and push-up extended * liberty * hitch * arabesque * scorpion * scale * heelstretch * bow n arrow * armstrong * basket toss * toe-touch basket toss * bottle rocket * high torch * preporty * twist down * twist up * twist cradle * cradle * tick-tock * chin chin * dead man * half * spike and many other stunts....;)
Well there are alot of cheerleading stunts. Some are: prep, extension, basket toss, one-leg, heel-stretch, scorpion, and 360
it all depends what lever your on.

Middle School/Rec. League/Association Cheerleading- must have a backspot, and a frontspot, with two bases. if your competeing , then you can only go to one leg extension, (lib, strench) ect. with a fulldown from a half. & basket tosses are legal. all tumbling is legal.

High School- must have two bases, one backspot, and a frontspot is optional. one led extension is also legal, (lib, strench ect.) with a full down from extension. basket tosses are legal, but may only consist of a toetouch, and if an arc accours, the flyers head may not go beneth her butt. all tumbling is legal.

College/level 6/international- double base stunts are legal, and one ma stunts are legal, as well as group stunts. one leg stunts in extension are a must. double downs are allowed, all basket tosses are legal, & all tumbling is legal.

All-Star- All-star cheerleading is done by level, team size, and age, but age doesn't effect score sheets.

Small Teams- consisting of up to 25 team members.

Large Teams- consisting of 26-36 team members.

Unlimited Coed- has 5+ males on a team. in small & large divisions.

Limited Coed- has up to 4 males on a team. in small & large divisions.

Tiny TEam - is ages 2 - 5, can be large, but mostly you see small teams. age limit depends on where your birthday falls. level 1 only. coed is optional.

Mini TEam - ages 6 - 9, depending on where your birthday falls. small or large division. levels 2 - 5, coed is optional.

JR. TEAM - can be in the small or large division from levels 2-5. the min. age is 7 and the max. age is 14 depending on where your birthday falls ( before April 14th, = too old, & after April 14, = still legal. ) & coed is an option.

SR. TEAM - can also be small or large from levels 2-5. min. age is 11 - & the max. age is 17 also depending on where your birthday falls. coed is an option.

international team- ages 14+ (yes, you can be 85!) coed (only unlimited coed) is optional. only level 5. small & large divisions.

Level 1- usually Tiny only teams, and sometimes Minis. Teams may preform tumbling up to a roundoff, no one leg stunts are legal. and all stunts must be in a half/elevator. cradles may not be proformed, and no basket tosses are legal. no front stumbing is legal. all stunt groups must have two bases, and a backspot, & frontspots are optional.

Level 2- may preform up to a backhandspring in tumbling. (standing or running.) may only do half/elevator one leg stunts with body possitions & with a straight cradle. and up to an two leg extension with a straight cradel. straight basket tosses are legal. (only straight ride). & no front tumbling is legal. jumps to a backhandspring are legal. all stunt groups must have two bases, and a backspot, & frontspots are optional.

Level 3- may preform up to roundoff backtuck in running tumbling, and backhandspring series in standing tumbling. a frontwalk over is legal in front tumbling. level 3 may preform one leg extension stunts with body possitions (lib, scale, ect. ) with a straight cradle. double leg halfs/elevator or double leg extensions with a full downn is legal. basket tosses may consist of only a full up, or a straight ride. jumps to backhandspring series are legal. all stunt groups must have two bases, and a backspot, & frontspots are optional.

Level 4- may preform a roundoff backhandspring tuck, and layouts in running tumbling. standing tumbling consists of standing tucks, and backhandspring tucks. jumps to a backhandspring tuck is legal. punch front step outs are & front handsprings are legal for front tumbling. level 4 may preform extension single legged stunts with all body possitions & a fulldown. and from a bouble leg half/elevator or from a double leg extension a double down may be preformed. basket tosses with a full may be done. and a kick full is legal in basket tosses. also stright double up basket tosses are legal. when flipping the flyer can only flip frontwords, and must be connected on both arms to either a flyer in a half/elevator possition, or a base. all stunt groups must have two bases, and a backspot, & frontspots are optional.

Level 5- may preform a roundoff backhandspring full, or a double full. kick fulls, and full stepouts, kick doubles, and doube stepouts are legal. arabians are legal.standing fulls, tucks, backhandspring series to full, one to full, one to double, series to double, one to layout, series to layout are legal. front fulls and layouts are legal. side semis are also legal. all jumps to a tuck or standing full are legal. level 5 may preform all one legged extension stunts and a double down out of everything is legal. kick double basket tosses are legal, as well as hitch kick double baskets. flipping/rewinds may be forwards, backwords, sideways, or fulls(whirlie birds) may be done, but the flyer must be connected with at least one hand. stunt groups may consist of double basing, or one man basing, as well as group stunts.

Level 6- ONLY COLLEGE TEAMS. may preform a roundoff backhandspring full, or a double full. kick fulls, and full stepouts, kick doubles, and doube stepouts are legal. arabians are legal.standing fulls, tucks, backhandspring series to full, one to full, one to double, series to double, one to layout, series to layout are legal. front fulls and layouts are legal. side semis are also legal. all jumps to a tuck or standing full are legal. level 6 may preform all one legged extension stunts and a double down out of everything is legal. kick double basket tosses are legal, as well as hitch kick double baskets. also backtuck baskets are legal, and full baskets as wwell as double full baskets. (baskets= basket tosses) flipping/rewinds may be forwards, backwords, sideways, or fulls(whirlie birds) may be done, but the flyer must be connected with at least one hand( in the pyramid). if the flyer is preforming a rewind with a single man, or a double base stunt group the flyer does not have to hold on to anyone. stunt groups may consist of double basing, or one man basing, as well as group stunts.

IF your interested in AllStar Cheerleading here are some teams that may be in your area: (by state) -

Alabama : ACE All Stars

Alaska : Denali All Stars

Arizona : Desert Storm, AZ Heat

Arkansas : Arkansas Cheer Company, Ozark All Stars

California : CheerForce All Stars, California All Stars, American Cheer, NorCal Cheer, SoCal Cheer, Cheer Gyms . com , Power Cheer, Titans Elite,

Colorado : Colorado Elite

Connecticut : East Celbrity Elite aka Celbrity Cheer & Dance

Delaware : Delaware Explosion

Florida : Top Gun All Stars, Brandon All Stars

Georgia : Georgia All Stars, Stingray Cheer co.

Hawaii : Hawaiian Island Twisters, Pacific Cheer Academy, Cheer808 All Stars, Inc.

Idaho : Idaho Wildfire

Illinois : Illinois Cheer Company

Indiana : Indiana Elite, Indiana

Iowa : Iowa All Stars, Eastern Iowa All Stars

Kansas : KC Elite

Kentucky : GymTyme All Stars, Kentucky Elite, Southern Kentucky All-Stars (SKY), Spirit of Kentucky,Louisville All-Star Cheereleading,

Louisiana : Cheer Force Athletics

Maine : Elite All Stars of Maine Cheer and Dance

Maryland : Maryland Twisters

Massachusetts : Spirit Central

Michigan : Lansing Cheer, Capital Cheer All Stars vizion allstars<3

Minnesota : Planet Spirit All Stars, Twin Ports Elite All-Stars

Mississippi : AdvantEdge Cheer, Central Mississippi Cheerleading

Missouri : Champion Cheer, Cheer Legendz

Montana : Montana All Stars

Nebraska : Nebraska All Star Tigers


New Hampshire : Celebrity Cheer& Dance

New Jersey : Wourd Cup Allstars, Metro Cheer All Stars, Rams Allstar Cheer, New Jersey Heat, Liberty All Stars

New Mexico : Royal Cheer Academy

New York : Cheer Zone Heat All Stars

North Carolina : Cheer Extreme All Stars

North Dakota : ND All Stars

Ohio : Ohio CheerForce

Oklahoma : Tribe Cheer, Victory Gymnastics, Twist & Shout All Stars, Spirit Of Oklahoma

Oregon : West Coast Extreme

Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh Superstars, Pittsburgh Poison, Steel City Allstars, Pittsburgh Pride, All Star Rebels Cheerleading, Beaver County Coyotes, CheerTyme Allstar Cheerleading anf Dance, Fire and Ice Allstars Competitive Cheer and Dance, Force Athletics All Stars, Keystone Extreme All Stars, Inc., FCA Gems

Rhode Island : Rhode Island Cheer Academy

South Carolina : Cheer Mania

South Dakota : Dakota Spirit

Tennessee : Priemere Athletics, Memphis Elite

Texas: Cheer Athletics, Texas Lonestar Cheer CO. , Spirit Of Texas, Texas Gems

Utah : Ignite All Stars

Vermont : Vermont All Stars

Virginia : All American Spirit All Stars

Washington : Washington Cheer Academy

West Virginia : Cheer Elite Training Center

Wisconsin : RAGE All Star Cheer

Wyoming : Precicion All Star Cheer

  • pyramind
  • heal stretch
  • boe-n-arrow
  • lib (short for liberty)
  • basket toss
  • scrorpian

There is a full down which is when you spin and land on your bottom and legs. A cradle is just going down on your bottom and legs. A ball out is jumping up with your knees in and throwing them out landing on your bottom and legs. A kick full is like a full down, but you kick out one of your legs and let the arm on the same side of your body follows the leg you kicked out (while spinning) then of course land on your bottom and legs. A star is like a full down also, but you throw out your arms and legs (again while spinning) and again land on your bottom and legs. A helicopter is when the people who stunt throw the flyer up and they spin up face down toward the bases. This is (one of the) the hardest stunt along with the most dangerous. I don't know the name but you throw your self back landing on your back then jump back up. A More advanced version of that is called a star too. You jump up throwing your arms and legs out and close in and fall on your back. Well, that is all I know.

-Elevator, Extension, Liberty - combinations [Scorpion, Scale, Arabesque, Torch, Bow and Arrow, Crazy Eight, Heel Stretch], Hit an Go, Show, 360 (regular, up, and reverse), Cupie/Awesome, Split lift, Thigh Stand, Hitch, Faux Full, Basket Toss, Launch, Retake, Tick Tock, Rewind, Double Take, Full/Double Down, Reload, Swedish falls.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

go to and search for creative stunts, always check leveling to make sure they are legal

and there is always ending every stunt with a cradle, or a kick spin cradle

if youre beginner, dont try level 5 yet!!

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βˆ™ 10y ago

There are so many different Cheerleading stunts, so I will have to leave some out. First of all, make sure you have soft ground/mat in case of a fall, and also make sure there are plenty of spots (people to catch incase of a fall).

Some stunts include:

  • thigh stands
  • shoulder sits
  • shoulder stands
  • preps/halfs
  • extentions/fulls
  • show-and-go's
  • hitches, libs (in prep or extention)
  • arabesques, (in prep or extention)
  • heel streches (in prep or extention)
  • scales (in prep or extention)
  • scorpians (in prep or extention)
  • basket-tosses
  • full downs/twist cradles
  • fall-backs
  • and to make pyramids you combine groups of these stunts
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βˆ™ 13y ago

An elevator. extention pop cradle! go Columbia high school! you can look us up

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